No consciousness, no free will

(Decembrie 2024)
Libet’s experiment confirms that the sensory-motor processes are automatic/unconscious, but as I will prove that all our thoughts are produced at subconscious “level”. Consciousness and free will do not even exist, therefore, the conscious-unconscious dichotomy is a pseudo-distinction. Self is not the unification between conscious and unconscious state; self is all unconscious stats/processes. Each of us becomes aware about what she pronounces at the same time when the person in front of her becomes aware about what that person pronounced. I indicate there is no consciousness, no free will with a simple “experiment”, “speaking-sentences”: each of us speaks very easy, fluently and quite fast; there is no time to “choose” or select words in each pronounced sentence. Each word is pronounced in a fraction of a second, obviously, there is no conscious selection of each word or statement. The “sub-conscious” part sends all these statements/words even when we believe we selected the next word/statement/act. It is not only about sensory-motor processes, but also about all thoughts, all the perceptual and the “abstract” thoughts (i.e., no perceptual mechanisms involved directly).
Somebody could claim maybe the “speaking sentences” would be in this state of affairs, but what about the “thinking sentences”? All the thinking sentences (internal voice) are in the same situation: all these sentences are produced at the “unconscious” level. In reality, all the “unconscious” processes and states are possible just because of the instant correspondence between the self/mind (as an EW) and the brain/body/environment (the macro-EW). This correspondence happens instantaneously, this is the reason all the unconscious processes/states take place in parallel. However, each person can pronounce or read or write or think (in explicit knowledge) only one word at a time, one serial sentence, no more. She can ride a bike and speak on the phone at the same time, but both processes are “unconscious” processes realized by self (“unconscious” EW). From my viewpoint, consciousness does not even exist; the so called “conscious” states are just certain states associated with the explicit knowledge. A person can activate only one process within the explicit knowledge/memory at a time. The explicit knowledge means that the person pronounces some sentences/ideas on the phone while she rides the bike using the implicit knowledge. She cannot be “conscious” of both states at the same time. From my viewpoint, “conscious” would mean the activation of the explicit knowledge, while sub-conscious (or unconscious) would mean the activation of the implicit knowledge. Both the explicit and the implicit knowledge are the self (an EW).
In this context, the free will is a human idea but nothing else; there is no free will since there are no conscious states. All the physical activities correspond to the mental states, and because of these correspondences each of us has the illusions of free will and conscious states. If there were conscious states and free will, one human being would not be able to speak any language so fast and so easily. There would be certain moments between the pronunciation of each word, but there is no moment between any two words; it means everything is a sub-conscious state and therefore the free will does not even exist. So, all the mental states are “unconscious” states as parts of the implicit knowledge/memory (parallel order), some of these states are the explicit knowledge (serial order).
The “serial conscious state”: The entire brain/body is activated during the entire life. Different parts of the brain, different neuronal patterns have different degrees of activation. However, one and only one neuronal pattern can be the most activated at one moment. This serial neuronal activation corresponds exactly to the serial order of “consciousness”! In parallel, there are many other neuronal patterns less activated (the entire brain is activated anyway) but the serial “conscious states” is given by the serial highest degree of activated neuronal patterns at one moment. The duration of this one moment depends on the duration of the highest degree of activation of that neuronal pattern. The most activated neuronal pattern receives inputs and sends outputs continuously from different parts of the brain; in this way, the corresponding mental state is “conscious”. We have not to forget: there is no consciousness, anyway. Also, dreams correspond to the most activated neuronal pattern at each moment. “Consciousness” is a great phlogiston for “great” philosophers and scientists.
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